How Your Ipod Can Aid Exercise

by Roberto Sedycias

Modern living has become much more technology based and sedentary, with virtual entertainment being the most popular pastime of choice. This has obvious effects upon health and the world has startling increasing obesity levels. Although technology is not to blame, rather than the people who choose to use it, more could be done to integrate technological entertainment into a more active lifestyle. The iPod is redressing this balance with the addition to its available accessories of the Nike iPod Sports Kit.

Research has consistently shown that listening to music improves mood, and the most recent findings suggest that music actually gives a cognitive boost. Listening to music during exercise improves most people`s performance in a number of ways. Music provides an encouraging rhythm which synchronizes with the movement during exercise, and which helps push further. It also distracts from event. The iPod has already helped many sports enthusiasts to enjoy their regime more fully, but now the iPod can offer some real assistance.

The Nike iPod Sports Kit consists of two elements; a music player and a pedometer. These two items have been important for the runner for a long time, but the iPod version has many additional features. The device works as follows; a sensor fits into the sole of a specially designed Nike + shoe. The receiver is plugged into the iPod Nano which has the battery power, the memory and all required software installed. The sensor detects footfall like any other pedometer, and sends the information through transmitted radio waves. Each device has its own unique code and so even if there a few runners using the iPod accessory, only your information will be received. Another clever feature is that different sensors can be used on a single devie, so more than one person can benefit.

The real beauty of the Nike iPod Sports Kit is the extent of the information transmitted. It sends to the device the number of calories burned, but also calculates speed using equations which consider foot fall and the amount of time the foot is spent on the floor. Other information provided to the mp3 mp4 player device includes distance and comparative statistics to previous performances. Goals can be set on the software and the results will state how your performance compared to your goals. In addition to this, the device allows you to create play lists for your workout.

Although the level of information is excellent, it is easy to read whilst working out. The iPod Sports Kit come with a click wheel which acts as a control whilst running. The information is not just stored on the screen, but is also provided by a computerized voice system. The device is easy to use overall, with the required software already installed in the latest models, with the software available to download for older iPod`s through the online update feature.

Once the workout is complete, the statistics can be stored on a computer. There is then the option to join a huge online iPod community where information uploaded from the device can be shared with other runners. This can be helpful for goal setting and to set challenges. Running enthusiasts can compare information, and even share routes with an innovative mapping function. This additional feature of services gives an excellent social dimension to an often lone sport. It is amazing that this can be done online.

Overall the benefits of the Nike iPod Sports Kit include advanced equipment which combines two important elements for sport; music and information. The device is lightweight, compact and the software is top of the range. It helps improves health, through enjoyment and factual assistance, and is available for all users despite the age of their model.

The only real disadvantage is the fact that there is much apparatus needed which can be costly. The basic requirements are an iPod Nano, the Sports Kit and the Nike + shoes. Although other shoes can be bought that have a pouch for the sensor, these use a different angle so do not achieve the same results. The other point worth noting is that the iPod Sports kit requires the user to have a good understanding of computers to get the full benefit.

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Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for

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